viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

How green am i

Today, people doesn't care too much about enviromentally friendly practices. The priority is usually making money, or look for your individual benefits. Caring about others (including the enviroment) isn't a priority in our society. So, in my opinion, there aren't so much places where people do learn about eviromentally friendly practices. Some things are taught at school, or sometimes parents suggest children to be more enviromentally caring, but i insist i think they are not a priority among al the things that are taught. Our society is focused on the personal benefit.

In my case, i try to use recycling cans that are placed at the university. Also, some years ago i promised myself that i would not throw garbage at streets again. I refuse to use cars, and i try not to use the public transport too much. I'm used to ride my bike everywhere i go. Also, i'm a vegetarian. The meat industry is one of the most contaminating associations arround the world. Along with that, they cause a terrible damage to the soils. Anyway, i' haven't joined any eco-organisations, because i focus my work at other problems of society that are more transversal. For example, the problem for me isn't that "we don't care about enviroment"... The problem is "we don't care about each other as a comunity". If we did, we would care about enviroment also because we would want that everyone lives in a clean and healthy world. One problem includes the other.

About carbon footprints, for example, i'm not very much informated. I know the meat industry also contributes a lot into contamining this way, so i try to help not buying meat (and not eating it).

In particular, Santiago of Chile, in my opinión, is a good example of the things i said at the start of this posting. The goberment stimulates a very capitalist and individualist way of living. They talk a lot about the "emprendedor" (an idea very similar to the united states's "Self made man"): a guy who should build is himself his own future, doesn't caring about others.

Have a good weekend.

6 comentarios:

  1. Hello! I think your post is very interesant,I also think that the contamination is a big problem in our society, but its part of a bigger problem, the way we relacionate us with enviroment talk about how our society is....

  2. I`m really agree with you, this system promotes the individualism and the individual benefices, I didn’t remember you are vegetarian, I think it is a good solutions and I admire a lot the people who taka this decision, remember to taka care with your healthy!

    See you!

  3. Hi
    I think that your post present an interesting critique to the system. Critique with which I agree.
    I see you!

  4. I don't know much about this topic, but i understan that i have care for environment.

    In my case i like cycling and i like walk and I would learn more things.


  5. Hi!

    you're right. The environment is a problem within a larger problem.

    It is necessary to link different problem.


  6. I totally agree with you. Currently, our society and especially the groups of people that have enough power to make significant changes in a short time span, are not interested nor concerned about improve the conditions of our environment. For that reason, there are not too much places or instances to effective learn about the details of our impact on environment and the possibilities of change this situation.
    Have a nice weekend =)
