viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

The Giraffe

Today i'm going to write about an animal that have coaught my atention some years ago: the Giraffe. This animal is caracterized for having a very very long neck and long legs, and it's mostly founded in Africa. It stands 5 or 6 meters tall. One curious thing about them is that they use their long neck as a combat weapon, ¡and they are very agressive to use them! seing a fight between giraffes is a very shocking thing. I had the oportunity to see one giraffe fight at Animal Planet on TV.
But the thing that cought my atention the most, is that they can't emite sounds from their mouth. I found this out after seing a painting by Salvador Dalí named "Jirafa Ardiendo" (burning giraffe). The reflexion that we made with some friends is that, when if a giraffe started burning out, ¡it won't be able to emite suffering shouts!, it is a very striking image to imaginate. After seing this painting i came intrested about this animal.
Only once i've seen a giraffe in real life, in the zoo. It wasn't too long or impactant... and i was a little kid when it happened. I hadn't seen the painting nor made the reflexion.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi alvaro, I think the giraffe is a great animal, today I was with a lot of little girls and they love the giraffe and represent it with their bodies, it was great!

  2. Giraffes are very impressive animals, indeed. And yes, I've seen a video where two giraffes fight... One wouldn't think they were so agressive with that neck.
    I've also seen that Salvador Dali painting, but I didn't think about the fact that if a giraffe is burning, it can't shout.
    Have a nice weekend :D

  3. Hi Alvaro

    I love the fact that they have a super long neck. Once I painted a giraffe using watercolors, and I think it ended up being a cute giraffe.
