viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

A country i would like to visit: Iceland

Today i'm gonna write about a country i would love to visit: Iceland. This country cought my attention some years ago, after i heard a music group called Sigur Rós. The music they play is very special and intimate, and i liked it a lot, so i looked for more information about them and i finded out they come from there. After that, i searched for more information about iceland's musical movement and i catched up with amazing musicians, like Múm, Amiina, and Björk, among others.
Along with that, this year i found out that this country has been developing a very intresting political and social process, in wich the people that lives there had being desaproving the goverment for some time, so they took over it. Then they started a constitutional assembly, in which they started making laws along with their intrests, in oposition with the constitution that operated before this, that responded to the powerfull people's intrests only.
I would like to see more closely this process, and also be able to interact with some of the musicians from there. If i lived there, i wouldn't like to study there... I would devote myself to play music, and share my music with the iceland's musical circuit, to see if we could learn from each other.

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is "Violeta se fue a los cielos". It was released in August of 2011. It was directed by the Chilean Andres Wood, who counted with the colaboration from Ángel Parra (son of Violeta Parra, the protagonist of the movie). The filmings were made in Chile, France, and Argentina.
The movie narrates the life of Violeta Parra, who was one of the most emblematic Chilean folklore musicians. It shows her life since she was born, when she was a little kid from a poor family, and her first approximations to music, and specifically, the guitar. The movie then concentrates in her romance with an european guy named Gilbert Favre, wich was very problematic, because they had lots of fights. It also shows the relationship between Violeta and her sons, and also Violeta's world vision about the things that sorrounded her.
I like this movie because it links the events of Violeta's life, with the music she was making in that moment. After you watch it, you can feel more deeply the music of Violeta parra.